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Bulgarian historical truth!
When a person tells the truth - he doesn't have to lie!

  Where did we came from, explains bulgarian scientist's expedition to the lands of Bactria,

Pamir Mountains in central Asia and not western Siberia was the motherland of Bulgarians' ancestors, prominent historian and Sofia University professor Georgi Bakalov was quoted as saying by mediapool.bg on October 6 2008. Bakalov presented the findings of a group of Bulgarian scientists who spent a month in Afghanistan searching for evidence. Until now, the official version leaned towards the notion that proto-Bulgarians' have come into Europe from lands in central Asia, with Pamir being just a theory. The group of scientists have found similarities in the music and languages between contemporary Bulgarians and the people living in Pamir, Bakalov said. Next to that he said that Bulgarian and Farsi languages were closely linked and words that today are considered from a Turkish origin in Bulgaria were actually coming from Farsi. We don't belong to Iran, but we do have a connection with it while there is hardly an evidence of Bulgarians in Siberia, Bakalov was quoted as saying by mediapool.bg. The group has collected a lot of research that could change what has been thought in contemporary history books, he noted. For this to happen, Sofia University had to send researches to work in Pamir and gather more material, he said. The Pamir Mountains are spread among Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and China.

/Archeologycal site - town of Balkh/

Interview with Professor Bakalov:
- Prof Bakalov, what did you find out during your expedition to the Pamir Mountains?
- The media spread incorrect information that I have taken part in this expedition. I have neither participated, nor organized, nor inspired it. I was invited after the return of its members to comment on the results.
-  Which of the theories on the origin of the Bulgars are now questioned?
- The deepest-rooted concepts on the origin of the Bulgars are the so-called "Hun" theory by Vassil Zlatarski and the Turkic-Altaic theory. No data have been discovered in Siberia and the Altai Mountains about the presence of Bulgars in that period. This theory aimed at the creation of the image of the Bulgars as savage nomads who appear on the banks of the Danube in the 7th century out of the depths of history and supported by a multitude of Slavs established the first Bulgarian Kingdom in 681.
- Didn't this definition serve certain political and imperial doctrines?
- It started gaining ground in public consciousness as early as the beginning of the Bulgarian National Revival - in the 18th century, when Bulgarians  regarded Russia and the Slavdom as a whole with pride and respect. Lately, however, many data have been accumulated -  different kinds of data ethnographic, archeological and epigraphic - that evidence to the fact that the place of origin and route of the Bulgars were completely different - from Pamir and Hinu Kush, along the rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya, via the Caucasus and the southern Russian steppes to the lands of present day Bulgaria.  Some of the evidence speaking of  this course is the language relics remaining from the vernaculars in present day Eastern Iran, Tadzhikistan, Northeastern Afghanistan.
- Does it mean the Bulgars were Indo-Iranians?
- With the Indians and Iranians of today, we of course, have nothing in common. The Bulgars were definitely of Indo-Iranian origin.
- What about the Huns?
- There is no such a nation. It is the same to say just Europeans today. The Huns were a huge tribal union that the Bulgars took part in the 5the century.

The walls of Balkh - capital of Bactria.



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